Explore our Signitic and Hubspot Generator comparison and discover the best email signature management solution. Compare the features, integrations and pricing of each.
Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
"Solution that standardized our signatures. Pro rendering, easy to use and simple to set up."
"Signitic is an easy-to-use application. All our employees are delighted."
"Signitic is a practical and extremely intuitive tool enabling our customer, Profeno, to automate its marketing campaigns for every employee and every department. The interface is easy to use, and the connector with Outlook and Apple Mail helps us manage all the accounts we have efficiently, at the click of a button."
"Easy-to-use e-mail signature management tool, with fast and pleasant customer support, always looking for improvements (new features). A marketing bonus thanks to banner ads."
"Signitic is easy to learn and use, and makes signature management much easier. The best thing about this service is the availability of the Signitic teams, who are very responsive to the slightest question or request for assistance."
"Signitic is a high-performance tool that's easy to use and very affordable. The team's responsiveness is perfect which is a real plus, I highly recommend it!"