Explore our Signitic and Newoldstamp comparison and discover the best email signature management solution. Compare the features, integrations and pricing of each.
Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
"With a growing workforce, several geographical locations, and a new graphic charter to integrate, Signitic allowed us to integrate everything automatically. No more copying and pasting into end-user settings, with link errors and so many different fonts/logos. Now everything is seamless and SaaS-based. Click tracking will also help us measure the interaction of our signatures and campaigns. To be recommended +++"
"Having changed our graphic identity last summer, Signitic was a great ally in deploying it quickly and on all our employees' signatures. The flexibility and ergonomics of the platform mean that campaigns can be created and signatures adapted in just a few clicks. It's great!
"Signitic is a high-performance tool that's easy to use and very affordable. The team's responsiveness is perfect which is a real plus, I highly recommend it!"
"As we were in a phase of international expansion, we needed a tool that would enable us to manage the signatures of each employee working in different territories. Thanks to the segmentation proposed within the tool, we were able to meet this need. Campaign management is seamless, enabling us to promote different campaigns in different territories. Top-notch integration with Gmail & SFDC. Hyper-reactive support".
"We are very satisfied with Signitic's service, customer service is very responsive and the tool is regularly updated!"
"After several tool searches and tests, we opted for the Signitic solution to harmonize our employees' e-mail signatures. We're very happy with it, because the tool is intuitive, easy to use, agile and enables complete tracking of communication campaigns. The support is ultra-reactive, which is exactly what we were looking for. I recommend Signitic!"