Explore our Signitic and Sigilium comparison and discover the best email signature management solution. Compare the features, integrations and pricing of each.
Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
"Signitic is an easy-to-use application. All our employees are delighted."
The simplicity of managing email signatures and communication banners, combined with professional designs, reinforces our brand image. Detailed reporting enables us to track and optimize our campaigns efficiently.
"It's THE easy, intuitive mail signature management platform, optimized for the majority of messaging systems. THE big bonus: pleasant, available and responsive support!"
"Easy-to-use e-mail signature management tool, with fast and pleasant customer support, always looking for improvements (new features). A marketing bonus thanks to banner ads."
"Very easy to use tool for creating email signatures for collaborators. In addition, adding communication banners is also very useful for us who often have content or participate in various events. We recommend!"
"Signitic has enabled us to easily harmonize and automate our employees' signature updates. A very easy-to-use platform that saves us precious time and allows us to easily calculate our return on investment."