Signitic - Email Signature Management Solutions

Customized email signature solution for Outlook and Microsoft 365

Ensure brand consistency in your organization's Outlook 365 signatures.
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La solution de signature électronique sur mesure pour Microsoft 365 et Outlook.

Setting up quick and easy

Connect in one minute

In no time at all, connect Google Workspace to Signitic.

Our dedicated plug-in, developed in collaboration with the Google team, allows data mapping & signature update.

You don't have to worry about anything anymore! When an attribute or a user is added or modified on Microsoft 365, the same operation is done on the Signitic side.

Simplified installation
Centralized signatures

Centralize the signatures of your employees

Create and manage all of your company's email signatures through a centralized and fully integrated interface. Set up your models, manage your user groups, and deploy your communications to ensure the adequacy of your employer brand.

Stop soliciting your employees, installation, authentication and Updating your signatures is 100% automated on all of their devices.

Segmenting and updating automatic

As soon as you connect to your Microsoft 365 directory, Signitic automatically maps the fields but also the segmentation of your business.

Is an attribute changing in your directory? The update is done automatically in Signitic. A saving of time and energy.

Connected to your Azure AD

Your signatures automatically on Gmail & IOS

Our platform not only allows you to standardize your signatures on emails sent from your computer, but also from your Iphone!
Find your signatures on phone

How does it work?

Nothing could be easier! We retrieve your data from your directory and distribute the signatures and campaigns to the workstations of your employees. Automatic and secure!

A compliant and secure solution, hosted infrance

Our solution meets the RGPD requirements for transparency and traceability.

We are committed to providing a safe and reliable environment, recognizing the critical importance of security for our customers.

A compliant and secure solution, hosted in france

Do it to trust them.


Very satisfied with the experience. We got the hang of it very quickly. Today, all our signatures are based on the same professional, uncluttered model.


"Signtic is quite simply the best tool for creating signatures. Simple to use and very powerful, their team is also extremely responsive if you have any questions. I recommend!"


"Signitic is a very reliable and competitive service compared to its competitors. It makes it easy for new employees to get up to speed quickly! I highly recommend it!"


"Customer service that's always available, combined with a high-performance tool! Thank you for this solution which enabled us to harmonize our signatures very quickly and facilitate their update. It saves us time on a daily basis to control our image or generate banners easily thanks to CANVA."


"Signitic allows us to develop signatures without waiting for the goodwill of each employee. The benefits are twofold: Signitic saves precious time, and in terms of brand image, the signatures evolve in line with events".

Gekko Group

"Signitic is very practical for all companies that want professional signatures and a simple, comprehensive management tool. The teams are very available."

Gekko Group
Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

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