5 reasons to use Signitic during lockdown
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5 reasons to use Signitic during lockdown

Discover in 5 points how to use Signitic to inform your customers, raise awareness among your employees, facilitate remote work, maintain proximity and recall your highlights during a crisis period.


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5 reasons to use Signitic during lockdown

Are you wondering how Signitic could be useful to you right now? That's good, we decided to share 5 good reasons with you in order to enlighten you on the subject!

1- To inform your customers
As you know, this is an unprecedented period and you have taken exceptional measures as a result. In this case, you can use the Signitic solution to inform your customers, your target audience in order to communicate about these new measures. Can your team be reached remotely, mobilized by teleworking? Do not hesitate to communicate it to your customers.

You had to Review your schedules therefore? Why not communicate about these changes? Informing and communicating also means reassuring your customers during this period of crisis. Update your phone number professional in your email signature (if this is not already the case), this will allow you to facilitate your exchanges and contacts.

2- To raise awareness your collaborators
In the event of a health crisis like the one we are currently experiencing, it is obvious that we must act for the good of all and promote the protection of your employees by limiting the spread of the virus. It's the perfect time to create a communication banner In order to Remind as many people as possible about “barrier gestures” that make it possible to slow down the epidemic.

Your awareness-raising message will only be more effective if it is announced directly from your email communications. In addition, your message will be seen and read several times a day and we know how effective repetition is in terms of communication!

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3- To facilitate teleworking
Is your team mobilized to telework, a novelty for your company? Remember to share your good advice and tips to promote the effectiveness of your remote teams. For example, you can definitely broadcast a communication banner that explains How to set up your work desk at home, tips for maintaining concentration. If remote working is new for you, it is also new for your employees, so don't hesitate to use good practices and advice to help them become even more productive at home!

4- To maintain proximity
It's a fact, we have to deal with lockdown to stay healthy. But be careful, confinement does not mean isolation and the break of contact. Your employees, your customers, your peers need you more than ever during this period, which is why you must keep in touch with them.

5- To remind you of your highlights
You are in charge of communication within your company, and this period of confinement is making it difficult for you to create content? Take advantage of this period to Remind your audience of events organized prior to this period, your successes, the key moments encountered by your entity.

The aim is of course to take advantage of this “content pause” to take stock of the progress and projects encountered by the company so that all of your peers, collaborators, customers can recall these beautiful memories.

Our tip? Use the mention “#Flashback” on your communication banners for example, to redirect your contacts to old blog articles, photos of your events or even customer testimonies.

Do you have other ideas for advice to share with us? See you on www.signitic.com/en or on our LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/signitic/

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