GDPR email signature: what are the best practices for communicating by email?
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How to properly respect the RGPD rules in an email?

Signitic offers GDPR-compliant solutions for secure email campaigns. Respect the privacy of contacts with opt-in, opt-out, data information and unsubscription. Opt for a GDPR email signature with Signitic!
How to properly respect the RGPD rules in an email?

Did you know that the CNIL defines personal data as being”any information relating to a natural person likely to be identified, directly or indirectly”? Therefore, the email as well as the email signature of a person constitute means of identification and can therefore be defined as personal data that should be secured according to the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation). In addition, the IFOP highlights in 2021 that 69% of French people pay particular attention to the processing of their personal data when they are browsing the Internet. The CNIL recorded no less than 2,825 personal data breach notifications in 2020: from where The importance for companies to ensure that data protection is properly respected of their customers according to the GDPR and to reassure their customers about the use and storage of this valuable information.

Signitic gives you all the solutions to set up good email campaigns according to the RGPD!

What is the RGPD?

The RGPD Is the General Data Protection Regulation implemented in France on May 25, 2018 within a European framework. This regulation allows set the rules for the collection, storage and use of personal data to protect users. Thus, all companies and organizations are concerned by this regulation as soon as they set up the collection or processing of personal data.

Personal data can be direct or indirect :

  • They allowidentify directly the natural person with a name, first name, postal address or email address;
  • They allowidentify indirectly the natural person by a customer number, telephone number, license plate, nickname, etc.

How to implement the GDPR in emails?

Opt-ins and opt-outs for email campaigns

Sending emails in B to C

When conducting an email campaign, you must respect the consent of contacts before sending your emails and their Use a checkbox to ask if they allow the use of data: this is called opt-in. Indeed, according to the GDPR, companies are required to obtain the consent of a person before collecting and using their personal data, such as for an email address used for advertising purposes. Consent should be”free, specific, informed and unequivocal” to comply with the GDPR regulations. However, if the customer has already established a commercial contract signed in advance or if he has purchased a product or service in the past, the company is not obliged to respect the opt-in, provided that the emails are intended to: promote similar products

He is also recommended to proceed with a double opt-in in order to ensure that the customer accepts the use of their personal data. To do this, the person must click on a link sent by email in order to validate their consent. In addition, the double opt-in serves as proof that the contact has given their consent in the event of an inspection.

Sending B to B emails

Sending emails in exchanges between professionals (B to B) does not require the use of opt-in, the company can use the opt-out: if the professional does not explicitly declare that he does not want to be contacted by email for example, then consent is not required. The opt-out assumes that if the recipient does not say “no”, then it is “yes”. However, be sure to send emails to a professional address and ensure that the messages contained in the emails are related to the profession practised by your contact.

Inform about the conditions of collection and use of personal data

Before sending your email campaign, you must make sure you give your contacts all the information concerning the accessibility and processing of personal data. Customers should have easy access to it, for example on your website or with a link in the email signature for good compliance with the RGPD. Be aware that the information must give a global perception of data processing and the legal notices must be clear, precise and concise.

In addition, you must communicate to the customer his right to access his personal information, his right to modify or even delete it.

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Give contacts a way to unsubscribe from the mailing list

In your email, whether B to B or B to C, you must mandatory include an unsubscribe or unsubscribe link of the distribution list in order to comply with the RGPD. If not, sanctions may be applied to you.

Signitic: the GDPR email signature for all your employees

For an email signature to comply with the RGPD, you must: the signature provider agrees with this regulation by guaranteeing confidentiality and respect for personal data. Indeed, in an email signature you can find: the name, the first name, the photo, the telephone number or even the professional address of your employees. Make the choice of a GDPR email signature provider Like Significtic to protect your employees and guarantee the efficient and secure treatment of their personal data.

In addition, at Signitic all tracking data used on email signature banners for your emailing campaigns are anonymized : there is therefore no way of knowing who are the people who clicked on your banner, and so, no use of personal data.

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