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How to add an image to an Outlook signature

Looking to modernize your professional Outlook signature by adding an image? Follow Signitic's detailed guide!


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How to add an image to an Outlook signature

To promote your brand and the identity of your business, there are many marketing levers. Emailing is one of the most strategic communication channels for conveying a strong message.

Have you ever thought about adding a logo or image to your Outlook signature? Each email sent will be an opportunity to Encourage your recipient to be more interested in your profile: a visual format will in fact be more attractive to the eyes than a simple text.

To insert an image into an Outlook signature, two options are available to you : do it yourself or use an email signature generator. Depending on the solution chosen, the steps to follow will be different.

Find out how easily insert an image into your Outlook signature with Signitic!

Use Signitic to add an image to an Outlook signature!

For add an image easily and quickly on your Outlook signature, you can use an email signature generator such as Signitic. This platform allows you to personalize your signature in the image of your company and to insert the image you want in just a few clicks: significant advantages ! To find out more about Signitic and the Time saver that this service provider can offer you in managing your signatures, schedule a free demo starting today!

How do I insert an image into an Outlook signature myself?

To add an image to an Outlook signature yourself, you need to follow various steps :

  • sign in to your Outlook account;
  • Select “Options”;
  • go to “Message” > “Signature” > “Signatures”;
  • select the signature you want to change;
  • position the cursor where you want to insert the image;
  • click on the image icon which is in the toolbar at the top of the box;
  • go to the folder that contains your image file and select it;
  • click “Insert” and “OK” ;
  • Open a new message to check that the image is displayed correctly.

Note that you cannot insert any file directly into the Outlook signature editor: only JPG, PNG and GIF images are suitable ! To find out more about The rules to be respected, discover our detailed guide to Inserting an image in an email signature !

Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

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