How do I put a link in an email signature?
🎥✨ Webinar : De l'IA dans vos signatures mail - 🗓️ 11 décembre

How do I add a link in an email signature?

Do you want to promote your business with your email signature? Signitic shows you how to wisely place a link in an email signature!
How do I add a link in an email signature?

Did you know that it was possible to add links in your email signature? Hypertext links are part of the HTML language, which appeared in 1990 and which made possible, thanks to the use of tags, the creation of web pages, the layout of their content or the addition of interactive elements such as links or multimedia resources. These hypertext links are very used in marketing strategies and can redirect your readers to all the web pages of your choice: a relevant way to return your email signatures directly clickable for all your recipients !

Signitic guides you from A to Z for create an email signature with a relevant link !

Signitic: your ally for personalized email signatures!

With Signitic, creating email signatures is easy: add photos, logos, social media icons, text, and links to promote your business through your emailing campaigns. Make the email signature your playground to highlight your values and make it happen creative and interactive! Request a demo now for uncovering the many features of Signitic !

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