What communication should you choose for a professional show?
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How to communicate in a trade show?

Do you want to participate in a trade show? Find out which communication to choose for a trade show with Signitic!
How to communicate in a trade show?

The trade show is a event organized for a specific sector which brings together exhibitors, visitors and experts in the field concerned. While more than 350 trade shows take place in France each year, according to a study published in 2021, the companies that participate benefit from it in many ways. Whether virtual or in person, the show is in fact an opportunity to promote your brand And ofacquire new customers. To attract as many visitors as possible and to be able to establish contact with them, however, it is necessary to set up a communication strategy of your presence in the lounge.

Promoting your participation is not an easy task, it is done by several steps and requires the use of numerous tools. Find out how to ensure trade show communication with Signitic!

What are the benefits of attending a trade show?

What are the advantages of a trade show for a company?

While a trade show can serve a variety of purposes, it also offers numerous opportunities for businesses who participate, such as:

  • Meet of new customers ;
  • improve its brand image;
  • Find partners And coworkers ;
  • present new products;
  • gain notoriety in particular thanks to the presence of the press;
  • stand out from the competition;
  • build customer loyalty.

Communication for a trade show: what strategy should you adopt?

To enhance your presence at a show and attract many visitors, it is necessary to set up a long-term communication strategy :

  • communication prior to the trade show to advertise your presence, attract audiences and invite your customers;
  • a communication during the trade show to make your stand clearly visible and to promote interaction with your visitors;
  • A communication after the trade show to thank your visitors and take stock.

While these three steps are important, be sure to pay particular attention to your communication before and during the show using the right tools. This will allow you to stand out from the other stands And ofattract the attention of the public!

Communication for a trade show: what are the tools to recommend?

Your website

To communicate about your presence at a trade show, first start by putting an announcement on your company's website. Provide your readers with all the essential information related to your participation: The goals , your Booth number, the animations planned, The schedule, The place or the internet link. This short presentation should encourage your Internet users to come and meet you at the show.


Did you know that Email was the preferred channel for 52% of French people in 2021 ? A major communication tool, emailing is in fact particularly relevant for send your invitations, Remind your guests of your presence in the living room and Thank them for coming. To increase the opening rate of your emails, take care of the subject and share only the most relevant information! Do not hesitate to put an insert in your newsletter to announce your participation.

Your company's social networks

If you have a Facebook page, Twitter or an Instagram account dedicated to your business, it is highly recommended to use them. Post photos and videos to arouse the curiosity of your subscribers and Do a live on D-Day to gain visibility! At the end of the show, feel free to share the striking photos taken during the event.

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The Call To Action (CTA) in his email signature

Add a CTA to your email signature is also an effective way to communicate about your presence at a trade show. With the numerous emails sent every day by your employees, you have the possibility of attracting numerous participants. Prefer a Short formula such as “coming to the lounge” and Put your CTA in a banner under your signature to make it clearly visible.

Paper supports

If your trade show takes place in person, a Communication print can also complement your digital media on D-Day. Different tools can thus be used to make your more attractive stand and conducive to making contact :

  • a roll-up;
  • posters;
  • brochures;
  • flyers;
  • business cards;
  • pamphlets.

The Signitc solution for communicating your presence at a trade show!

With the Signitic solution, personalize and use your email signatures to effectively announce your presence at a trade show!

Thanks to our platform, insert a banner with a CTA relevant in the email signatures of all your employees and increase the number of visitors on your stand on the day of the event!

Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

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