Why integrate an email signature management solution into my HRIS software?
🎥✨ Webinar : De l'IA dans vos signatures mail - 🗓️ 11 décembre

Why integrate an email signature management solution into my HRIS software?

The sharing of information with employees, candidates or even with the various stakeholders of the company is mostly done via email. But are you using the full potential of this means of communication?

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Centralize the management of your signatures
Create and deploy a professional signature in a few clicks
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Why integrate an email signature management solution into my HRIS software?

The exchange of emails is an integral part of the daily life of your employees. According to a study conducted by Statista, 319.6 billion emails would have been sent and received daily around the world in 2021. According to the survey, this figure should exceed 347 billion in 2023.

Accessible to all, this communication channel is an excellent way to stand out thanks to your email signature.

Transmitting the right information at the right time is crucial in the field of communication, especially in a HR environment. The sharing of information with employees, candidates or even with the various stakeholders of the company is mostly done via email. But are you using the full potential of this means of communication?

Why are your emails worth gold

This communication channel is now widely used but underexploited. Beyond its primary use, email can allow you to support your employer brand and to guide your communication in particular, thanks to email signatures and banners.

Internally as well as externally, thestandardization of the email signature of your collaborators allows you to keep a branding in agreement with the identity of your business. Not to mention the Time saver that allows you to centralize them.

The email signature also has the advantage of being able to become a real marketing lever thanks to communication banners. Banners allow you to communicate key messages. They have the advantage of being able to be personalized to your wishes according to the objectives of your company's communication department. They can also be adapted according to your target by internal or external.

Thanks to these, you can base your communication on the various topics you are facing.

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3 best practices for successful email banners:

  • The GIF format: It will more easily capture the attention of your audience;
  • A banner = a message: get right to the point, your message must be clear and concise;
  • Add a call-to-action: It will make it easier for your recipient to take action.

Manage all your email signatures from Lucca

Today, it is possible for you to centralize your email signatures and banners from your HRIS Lucca via Signitic.

And all in less than a minute: Connect Signitic to your HR file Lucca in order to automate the flow of data from your organization to our platform. Once done, find all of your information on Signitic and start customizing the signatures of your employees.

Take advantage of a fine segmentation of your organization on Signitic thanks to field mapping within your Lucca directory. The platform will integrate a breakdown of your employees by departments, entities, etc.

Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

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