Thanks to the Significant Tree, everything is easier to manage different email signatures!

Centrimex, an international freight forwarder, uses Significant to offer consistent signatures for all users in their subsidiaries. This consistency and reliability have greatly improved their internal and external communication.


Kévin Lemoine highlights the effectiveness of Significtic compared to their previous solution, which required the manual management of 20 different signatures for their agencies. Each update, like the logo, had to be done individually on each signature. With Significtic, the tree structure makes it possible to centralize this management: a modification to the parent entity is automatically reflected in all the daughter entities, groups and subgroups. This centralization has considerably simplified their signature management.

Successful campaigns

To effectively inform its customers, Centrimex uses communication banners integrated into email signatures. When implementing new air cargo security standards, the company launched a dedicated campaign with high priority. This campaign targeted a specific external audience over a fixed period of time, ensuring that critical information reached everyone involved quickly.

Concrete results

In 7 months, Centrimex sent 1 million emails, launched 17 campaigns and collected 31,000 clicks thanks to Signitic. The management of email signatures is now fully automated and perfectly integrated with their Active Directory. In addition, the support offered by Significtic surpassed that of their previous supplier, thus strengthening their communication efficiency.

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Immerse yourself in the business communications world of tomorrow with Signitic and discover the secrets to improve every email you send.
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