Your latest business cards - Signitic

Your business cards are outdated

88% of paper business cards are thrown away in the first week. Make sure that your contact details are actually kept by your prospects.
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14 days of trials
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No commitment
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No credit card
Your cards of visits are obsolete
100% personalized


Create business cards that reflect your image in just a few clicks.

Automatic creation

Automatic generation

Create vCards on the fly and automatically and in one click.

Contactless use


Share your contact details using QRcode or NFC.

Generate automatically The business cards of your employees

Your business cards are becoming much more than just a way to send your contact information. Broadcast communication banners referring to your site or your content (webinar, white paper, event...) and generate leads.

Generate leads thanks to your maps Of visit
The solutioneco-responsible

A solution eco-responsible

More than 80 million business cards are printed every year in France and their lifespan is less than one week. It is time to opt for a more responsible and effective solution.

Digital format and NFC card

Completely dematerialize your business cards or keep a latest physical version, in bank card format with QR Code and NFC and 100% customizable.

Full-digital format or NFC card
Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

Start your free trial now
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