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Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
"Easy to use and set up, Signitic is the perfect tool to complete the traceability of our leads."
"A simple, intuitive solution that got us up and running quickly and efficiently. Our marketing campaigns get a real boost, right down to the signature of our employees, who then become true ambassadors. The assistance and support are responsive. In short: Signitic is fantastic!
"Signitic allows IMING to homogenize its e-mail signatures thanks to a very intuitive tool. The e-mail banners enable us to communicate our news to our customers and partners on a daily basis. What's more, the team is very responsive!"
"Very easy to use, with responsive and efficient customer service, 100% made in France, the Signitic platform allows us to benefit from modern and dynamic email signatures, which totally match our image as "agitators" in business consulting."
The simplicity of managing email signatures and communication banners, combined with professional designs, reinforces our brand image. Detailed reporting enables us to track and optimize our campaigns efficiently.
"We looked at several solutions before selecting Signitic as our partner to deliver the best for our customers. The team behind Signitic has succeeded in designing a fairly advanced platform while retaining its user-friendliness. We congratulate them on this young yet mature solution! We'd also like to give a special mention to the very friendly technical support team."