🎥✨ Webinar : De l'IA dans vos signatures mail - 🗓️ 11 décembre

5 problems to solve with your email signatures

Improve the engagement of your users by adding communication banners to your email signatures to help them solve their current problems.


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5 problems to solve with your email signatures

Let's do a test. Ask yourself the following question:”What messages do I currently broadcast on my social networks and communication channels?”

  • Option 1 : I am announcing the reopening of my business on my email communication banner.
  • Option 2 : I am informing users about the new date for the rescheduling of our general public training.

In the end, the question is not that important. Instead, the question would be to ask yourself:”What messages are currently being broadcast that can help my users?”.

When it comes to content strategy, you need to understand that your users are viewing your communications for good reasons. Among these are: The search for a solution. Your users will be interested in your content because you offer an answer to their problem.

Thus, in a post-pandemic context, Helping your users answer their questions about resuming your business can be beneficial. The process is simple: you help your users, they like your content and they come back to consult it.

To convince you and help you support your users in this process, we have prepared examples of problems encountered by them:

1- “I want to buy a book without going to the library”

You are a library or another type of business and have proposed new services using digitalization ? Inform your users about these new functionalities, this new service, especially if it is a new “E-book” service!

You have probably created a landing page on this subject on your site and distributed communication elements. You can create your communication banner in your email signature and complete it with a Call to action redirecting to your landing page. This is an interesting tip if you want to help and guide your users to complete, detailed, useful content.

2- “My subscription is suspended, I want to reactivate it”

Does your company offer subscription packages and sports programs? Your customers' accounts were certainly suspended during lockdown and the time has come for them to reactivate them. This is where a question arises: “How do I do it?”

This problem is most certainly encountered by most of your customers.. It would be interesting to integrate a dedicated solution in your FAQ section on your website or on your social networks.

Consider creating a communication banner in your email signatures and including a call to action. to the section or FAQ dedicated to solving this problem. Not only will your sales teams save time, but your users will be more easily satisfied if they can get back to the gym without a hitch.


3- “I want to go to the restaurant but I don't know the new measures to go back there”

Your restaurant has probably reopened recently and that's great news, but it can raise a lot of questions for your customers.

Communicating about these changes is essential and necessary for your customers as well as for your business recovery. In your email signature you can specify a banner that directs the customer to make a reservation.

If the user is redirected to your reservation form and it has been redesigned, they will include information such as:”Remember to wear a mask when travelling between your table and the restaurant.”. This can reassure your users about your established health measures and the possibility of simply eating.

4- “I want advice on a product or service but I am unable to reach a sales representative within the company”

Your company has probably chosen to mobilize with remote teams, through remote work. However, it is important to maintaining proximity with your customers, despite the distance.

To simplify exchanges and to help users who need advice you can use your email signatures. To do this: you need an email signature accompanied by a communication banner on which Suggest an appointment with a sales representative. Your users will be able to contact, be advised and be able to identify the salesperson for more information.

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