The platform is mainly used for us to update our banners according to our strengths and the needs of our teams.

La Maison Du Whisky is a French leader in the distribution of whiskeys and exceptional spirits. The aim of using Signitic is to ensure a consistent brand image, to make it easy to update contact information, and to promote its flagship events and products in a consistent manner to all its partners and customers.

La Maison Du Whisky

Justine Rochet, communications manager at LMDW, points out that the company uses Signitic for almost all of its employees. The platform is mainly used to update banners according to the highlights and needs of the teams. It highlights several particularly useful features, including the ability to harmonize the format of signatures and to program banners, as well as to define their duration for specific groups.

Successful campaigns

One of the most striking campaigns that has been carried out is the one communicating about one of the brand's events. This campaign, integrated into email signatures, generated 1867 clicks in one month, demonstrating the effectiveness of this method in attracting the attention of interlocutors.

Concrete results

In fourteen months, LMDW launched 52 campaigns and collected 19,600 clicks, centralizing communication to highlight events and news. The Significtic chat service was praised by employees, “very responsive and provides immediate and useful responses”, thus contributing to a positive user experience.

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